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英语翻译Breeding· In Marmosets,only the dominant female breeds.T

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 03:24:52
· In Marmosets,only the dominant female breeds.The other females are prevented from coming into heat by the dominant's aggressive behaviour--staring,poking and general intimidation,and in some,by her pheromones as well.The breeding female may change with a new breeding season
· Marmosets live in pairs or family groups in which only the dominant pair breeds.
· In the Callitrichids family there is very rarely inbreeding,families can sometimes grow to ten or more animals.
· They are highly social and have a dominance hierarchy.Only the dominant female gives birth,and everyone in the family,including the dominant male,helps carry the infants.
· The Best Father Award may go to Marmosets.These fathers are highly devoted to their babies.The father helps the mother deliver the babies:biting off the umbilical cord,cleaning up the afterbirth,receiving and washing the babies.The mother looks after them during the first few weeks,but later the father (or if there are two males,the fathers) take over,carrying the babies on their backs and returning them to the mother every 2-3 hours for breast feeding.Although juveniles and non-breeding females may also help out,the fathers do most of the work.Some have pointed out that this behaviour is more similar to some birds than to other primates!This behaviour probably helps improve the survival of the babies and the group for various reasons:
· To share the physical burden of the babies,which can be very large in size relative to the adults.
· To share the tasks of looking out for predators,looking after infants and foraging.Adults often share food with babies,juveniles and sometimes even adult children.
· The experience also gives juveniles good practice to become better parents when they grow up.Juveniles removed too early from their social group later make poor parents.
英语翻译Breeding· In Marmosets,only the dominant female breeds.T
• 在长尾猴的世界里,只有有统治权的雌性繁殖下一代.而其他的雌性长尾猴的繁殖则被统治者的侵略性行为(紧盯,刺和一般的胁迫和其它运用它的信息素的行为)阻止了,繁殖的雌性可能在新一个繁殖期到来的时候会改变.
• 长尾猴成对的居住或者是一个家族群居,在族群里,只有统治者才能繁殖后代.
• 在它们的族群里很少会有近亲交配,一个家族有时候可能会增长到十只或更多只.
• 他们是一个高级社会和优势等级.只有雌性统治者才能繁殖,族群里的每一只动物,包括雄性统治者,也要帮助抚养刚出生的小长尾猴.
• 最好的父亲的奖品是可以去长尾猴群里.这些父亲高度专心的照顾他们的宝宝.父亲帮助母亲繁殖宝宝:咬掉脐带,清洗胞衣,接受和帮幼猴洗澡.母亲在前几周会照顾刚生下来的幼猴,但是以后的日子则全由父亲(有时候有两个雄猴痘是父亲)来照顾,每2-3个小时就背着幼猴回来哺乳.尽管处于青年的猴子们和没有繁殖的雌性可能会帮忙,但是父亲做的工作是最多的.有些人指出这种行为跟有些鸟很像,甚至超过了其它灵长类的生物.这种行为或许在各方面帮助改善了婴孩和族群的生存环境
• 可以分担婴孩的身体的重量,他们相对于成猴来说是一个很大的量.
• 可以分担外出捕食的工作,照看婴孩和草料的工作,成年猴通常会与婴猴,青年猴,甚至有时候会与成年的小猴分享食物.
• 这样的经历也给青年猴许多好的实践机会,使他们在长大后能成为更好的父母,青年猴过早的从他们的族群离开去到社会群中,将会在以后成为贫穷的父母.