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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 17:32:32
  如果我们从旅游的时尚中有所思考,会发现什么问题呢?什么是旅游?旅游的意义究竟是什么?我们会旅游吗?什么样的旅游才是有价值的呢?  让我们从伟大人物的旅游生涯说起.首先,一切伟大人物的成长都离不开旅游:  孔子在“周游列国”的过程中创立了儒学,一部《论语》,记载了孔圣人的旅游生涯,伟大的思想和不朽的教诲产生在旅途中,并且在旅途中得到了宣传和升华!子曰:“仁者乐山,智者乐水”.儒家在山水之间获得人生的修养,游历天下,纵横四海,此君子之志也.  老子主张“足不出户而知天下”,然而,一部《道德经》不就产生在老子西游途中吗?后来的道家注重“云游”,所谓“修真悟道”,在“游方道士”的云水生涯中,天地为炉鼎,日月为水火,颠倒阴阳,再造乾坤,深得修仙之妙耳!  释迦牟尼原来只是一个宫中享乐的王子,身处困境,烦恼忧伤,日日渴望解脱,时时苦思冥想.他离开王宫,出游苦海,历经磨难,明心见性,终于在菩提树下成就正果,四大皆空,佛法无边,推行教化,普渡众生,漫长的旅途就是成佛的法船.  耶稣基督的旅途充满艰辛,背负着十字架四处流浪,所有的启示都在《圣经》中记载.穆罕默德在旅途中获得灵感,于是就有了真主的信仰,有了《古兰经》.  毫无疑问,全部宗教都诞生在旅游途中.伟大的思想,奇异的灵感,超乎寻常的想象,都是在旅途中产生的.古今中外,所有伟大的思想家和哲学家无一不诞生在旅途中,无论中国春秋战国时期的诸子百家,还是古希腊罗马时期的哲学家,苏格拉第、柏拉图和亚里斯多德都离不开伟大的旅游生涯!就连马克思和列宁也是在颠沛流离的旅途中创立了他们的革命学说.可以说,没有伟大的旅行,就没有伟大的思想!  伟大的政治家只有在旅途中脱颖而出,此类事例非常多了.三皇五帝就不用说了,大禹治水,三过家门而不入,人生之旅,艰苦卓绝,惟其如此,始有华夏.盘庚迁殷,周祖迁都,整个民族在旅途中崛起!秦皇汉武,更是东奔西走、南征北战,伟大的理想也是在旅途中实现的.20世纪,孙中山飘零海外,饱尝旅途之苦,屡败屡战,终于成功.毛泽东的传奇人生书写在万里长征的途中,有蒋公伴游,一路好不热闹,飞机大炮以壮行色,围追堵截,不能稍息,“万水千山只等闲”!如此壮游,足以成就伟大辉煌的人生历程.长征是宣传队,长征是播种机,长征是毛泽东和共产党获得新生的必由之路!没有长征就没有毛泽东,没有长征,就没有新中国!  毫无例外,伟大的文学家、艺术家和伟大的科学家也是在旅途中诞生的.李白、杜甫终身旅行,并且都死在了旅途之中,伟大的诗人一定是伟大的旅行家,苏轼、陆游概莫能外!达尔文的进化论是自然科学史上最伟大的革命,《物种起源》的思想是在“贝格尔号”的旅行途中产生的,如果没有这次旅行,达尔文的思想会凭空产生吗?
  追溯历史,一切伟大的故事,都是在旅途中发生的.在十八世纪和十九世纪的整个的工业革命中,航海时代产生了多少伟大的理想!二十世纪的航空时代,有产生了多少伟大的梦想!可以想象,二十一世纪的航天旅行又会给我们带来什么呢?  其二,旅游是一种人类的本性,也是地球生物的本性.如果我们研究一下地球生态,就会发现一个生物界的秘密,一切生物,包括动物、植物和微生物,在亿万年的进化演变历史中,他们无不处于永恒的迁徙和旅行之中!海洋中鱼类的季节性洄游,天空中鸟类的季节性迁飞,陆地上兽类的大规模迁徙,伴随着植物种子的全球旅行,包括昆虫和微生物的全球性活动(蝗灾和瘟疫中最为明显),生物界如此浩大的结伴旅行,实在是一种地球奇观.  在人类文明干扰较少的非洲大陆,角马、野牛、大象、狮子、长颈鹿……他们年复一年的在雨季和旱季的轮回中进行浩浩荡荡的长途旅行,规模之大,蔚为壮观!非洲大陆的原始生态是地球生态演化的一面镜子,可以想象,亿万年以来,地球生物始终处于持续不断的旅游状态,在我们的基因库中,某种震荡和波动已经成为一种发育机制和生态本性,只有在这种状态中,在一种特定的“旅游环境”中,我们的某种本能才能被激发出来!那种隐藏于深层的潜意识才能够被激活!  旅游是人的天性,旅途是天才的摇篮.只有在旅途中,人类的天才智慧才能得到淋漓尽致的发挥,这就是旅游人生的特殊意义.当今社会,现代化和城市化正在扼杀人类的天性,割断了自然的纽带,囚禁了人类的灵魂,精神错乱,性情浮躁,智慧泯灭,感觉麻木,于是,返璞归真,向往自然,这就成为人类的本能需求.在旅游过程中,置身于天地之间,融会在大自然的怀抱,感受宇宙之间波澜壮阔的旋律,在气势磅礴的生态流中获得智慧和力量的源泉,只有在广阔的生态旅游中才能实现人类灵魂的自由!  在旅途中,有新奇的感受,有神奇的发 The significance of tourism
Is a holiday, and many people began to travel. However, what is the special significance?
If we make the fashionable from tourism, will find what problem? What is the travel? What is the significance of tourism? We can travel? What kind of tourism is valuable?Let us from the great men of the tourism career.First of all, the great growth cannot leave the tourism:Confucius' travel around in the process of "created in Confucianism, the analects, recorded the hole of the saints, tourism with great thoughts and immortal instruction in journey, and in the journey had propaganda and sublimating! Confucius said: "loving, wise le shan.centered water". Confucianism in landscape between the accomplishment, a travel, this gentleman globetrotting researchers-and the volunteers.Lao tze advocated "known", however, the tao-te don't produce in Lao tze west way? Later on, "look" Taoist so-called "fix true", "the monk" evangelism handwork career, and for humanity to fire stove ding Yin and Yang, recycling, reverse, XiuXian tide the ear!The Buddha was just a palace, the prince of pleasure, sorrow, to liberation daily, always struggling. He left the palace, and chastened, travel pitchingperformance seesthe nature, finally, all is vanity under the banyan tree fruit achievement, Buddhism, boundless, purdue beings, long journey is the method.Jesus Christ the arduous journey, carried the cross, all the enlightenment wandering in the bible. Mohammed in the journey of inspiration, and there was a god faith, from the Koran.No doubt, all religions are born in travelling. Great ideas, inspiration, extraordinary imagination, are on a journey. Prodect, all great thinkers and philosophers all born in China, regardless of the spring and autumn period, or henda ancient Roman philosopher, su ge the, Plato and Aristotle is inseparable from the great tourist career! Even the Marx and Lenin displaced in the journey of the revolution created them. Can say, no great travel, there is no great ideas!The great statesman only in such cases, journey very much. We will not say, SanHuang dayu controlling water, three home without into life journey, arduous, as such, is Chinese. PanGeng Yin, ZhouZu moved away, the whole nation in the journey rise! QinHuang HanWu, travelling, and utilize the great ideal is on a journey. In the 20th century, sun yat-sen wandering, all the overseas trip, failure often war, finally succeeded. MAO zedong's legendary life in writing the way, have JiangGong escort, very lively, with strong will, aircraft artillery piece, not at ease, round "of a long journey only becomes"! So strong enough to swim, splendid life of great achievements. Long, long march is a propaganda machine, MAO zedong and communist party is a new way! No, no no MAO zedong's long march, there would be no new China!Without exception, the great writers, artists and the great scientist is born during the journey. Li bai, du fu lifelong journey, and died in a journey, the great poet must be a great traveler, su shi, lu you GaiMoNengWai! Darwin's theory of evolution is the natural history of the great revolution, the origin of species in the thoughts of "p3 trip, if not the trip, Darwin thought would just happen?
Researching the history, all great stories, are on a journey. In the 18th century and the whole of the nineteenth century in the industrial revolution, and created many great maritime ideal! The twentieth century is the era of aviation, produced much great dream! As you can imagine, the 21st century's space travel and will bring us?Secondly, tourism is a kind of human nature, and the nature of life on earth. If we study the earth ecosystem, you'll find a biological secret, all living things, animals, plants and microbes in the evolution history of eons, they all are eternal migration and travel. The fish in the sea and sky seasonal migratory birds fly, the seasonal moved on land mass migration, along with earth's global travel plant seeds, including insect and microbial global activities (locusts and pestilence in the most obvious biological), the massive by traveling, it is a kind of earth.Human civilization in the African continent, and less interference wildebeest, bison, elephants, lions, giraffe... They year after year in rainy and dry seasons of rebirth in the long journey mightily, scale, spectacular! Africa is the original ecology of the earth's ecological evolution, as you can imagine, mirror, life on earth eons of tourism is always in the continuous state, in the us, a gene pool and fluctuation has become a developmental mechanisms and ecological nature, only in this state, in a certain "tourism environment", we are certain instinct to come out! The hidden deep in the subconscious can only be activated.Tourism is the person's nature, the journey is the cradle of genius. Only in the journey of human wisdom to get incisively and vividly genius, it is the special significance of tourism life. In today's society, modernization and urbanization is killing the human nature, cut the nature of the link, imprisoned for human souls, insanity, blundering, wisdom, feel numb, hence, return uncut jade to return true, yearning nature, it becomes human instinct demand. In the course of travel between heaven and earth, and in the arms, in nature - feelings between universe mammoth melody, in great momentums ecological flow gain wisdom and strength, and only in a wide range of ecological tourism in the human soul can realize the free!During the trip, the feeling is novel, the magic