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英语翻译今天我想借此机会跟大家谈谈梦想是如何实现的 曾经有一名文学家说过:“没有梦想的人是一个失败的人”.这句话一直铭记

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 07:18:20
今天我想借此机会跟大家谈谈梦想是如何实现的 曾经有一名文学家说过:“没有梦想的人是一个失败的人”.这句话一直铭记在我心里.我为了成为一名成功的人,从小就有了一个上大学的梦想,于是“大学梦”久久陪伴着我,这个梦一直都在激励着我奋斗.“不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹”.的确,没有平时的刻苦努力,辛酸苦楚,怎能踏入大学殿堂?成功的前提是自信,努力是成功的法宝,习惯是他们成功的法则,时间是他们一生的“定时炸弹”.我相信每个人都有无穷的潜能,只是有些人的潜能开发的的早,有些人的潜能开发的相对较慢较晚一些.只要相信,我并不比他们差,别人能办到的我也能办到,甚至办的比别人更好,李阳曾说过:“No one can achieve anything without effort.”没有人能不劳而获.的确,没有付出,就一定没有收获.“If you want to succeed,always force yourself to do more”如果你想成功,总要强迫自己多做一点.只有这样才能使人进步.李阳老师的这两句话要时刻铭记在心.梦想一直在激励着我前进,在激励着我奋斗.同学们!我们是祖国的未来,我们是祖国的希望,国家的建设需要我们,国家的兴旺富裕也需要我们.让我们共同努力,圆了我们的梦想.
英语翻译今天我想借此机会跟大家谈谈梦想是如何实现的 曾经有一名文学家说过:“没有梦想的人是一个失败的人”.这句话一直铭记
Today I would like to take this opportunity to talk about how dreams are realized. Once a writer said: "The man without a dream is a loser". This sentence has been engraved in my heart since then. In order to become a successful person, I have a university dream. Thus, the "university dream" accompanied me since my childhood. It has always been inspiring me to fight. "Not experiencing the wind and rain, how can you get the sight of the rainbow?". Indeed, without the hard work, bitterness, how can I enter the university? The precondition for success is self-confidence, and hard work is the magic weapon. Good habits are the rules of success, and time is the setting alarm for it.. I believe that everyone has infinite potentials. The only difference i that some of the potentials are developed earlier, and some later. As long as I hold the belief that I am not worse than any of them, and I can do whatever they cam or even better than them. Li Yang once said: "No one can achieve anything without effort." Indeed, no pain, no gain. "If you want to succeed, always force yourself to do more" Only in this way can we make progress. We should always keep the two sentences of Teacher Li Yang deep in mind. The dream has been driving me forward, inspiring me to work hard. We students are the future of our motherland, as well as the hope of her. The country's construction and prosperity needs us too. So, let us work together to fulfill our dreams.