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英语翻译China's banks power ahead(快速成长-中国的银行):Investors in Shang

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/27 05:43:34
China's banks power ahead(快速成长-中国的银行):
Investors in Shanghai and Hongkong are focusing on the shares of two of China's biggest banks:the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China--ICBC and the Bank of China,both posted surging profits on Thursday for the first half of the year.
She has more.Eunice,great profits from these two companies,what's powering them?
Well,it's mainly Chinese economic boom,and more specifically the higher interest income that they've been earning,er...mainly from the corporate customers that they have,also the fact that both of these banks are expanding into new businesses.
Er...they are really trying to diversify er...their businesses and they are moving more into credit cards,mortgage lending also wealth management and that's really helping both of these banks in terms of their earnings for the first half of the year.ICBC said that their numbers came in 62% higher at 5.4 billion dollars.And bank of China also said that theirs were up by 52%.
Well,what's intersting is that yesterday both of the banks er...really were able to confirm what analysts had been suspecting all along that their exposure to the problems in the United States really are very very limited.In fact,ICBC said that their exposure to the sub-prime debacle is 1.23 billion dollars.But you set that,er set that against their 1.1 trillion dollars in total assets,very small number.Also Bank of China said that their exposure is 9.7 billion dollars and even though a lot of analysts are saying that this is the largest exposure er...in terms of...for a lot of these Chinese banks,it's still only 1% of the 770 billion dollars that they have in total assets.So,er...people are saying:they have a very large capital base,they also have very strong operating earnings and so because of that this is a manageable problem for them.
So,should the outlook for their share prices be pretty positive?
Well,that's what,er,I mean,that's what a lot of analysts are saying that in the long run because people tend to bet on banks in order to use them er...really to ride on the coattails of the ecomomic boom and act as a proxy to the ecomomic growth in the country.Er...they are a good bet at least that's what a lot of prople tend to believe also because the banks themselves have been able to clean up their books,and in the past several years,the bad loan problem has started to subside,a lot of that is because the government has been injecting so much money into these banks,so the banks have also listed,so that's been a problem that has been subsiding.Er...but the one thing that some analysts are concerned about is the valuations.And if there,these share prices would get a little bit too expensive 'cause they are worried that the loan growth as well as the margins might not be sustainable.
英语翻译China's banks power ahead(快速成长-中国的银行):Investors in Shang
中国的银行未来的权力(快速成长-中国的银行) :
呃… …他们真的是争取实现多样化,呃...它们的业务,他们正在更多的信用卡,楼宇按揭贷款,财富管理,也就是真正帮助这两个银行而言,其收益为今年上半年.工行表示,他们的人数排在62 %高在5.4亿美元.和中国银行还表示,他们分别上升52 % .
那么,是什么有趣的是,昨天这两个银行呃...真正能够证实什么市场分析师已怀疑所有沿其暴露的问题在美国真的是非常非常有限.事实上,在工行说,他们接触到小组总理的崩溃是12.3亿美元.但您所设定的,呃集,对他们的1.1万亿美元的总资产,非常小的数目.此外,中国银行表示,他们的接触是97.0亿美元,即使有很多分析家说,这是世界上最大的暴露呃...在条款...很多这些中国的银行,它还是只有1 %的7700.0亿美元,他们在总资产.所以,呃...人说:他们有一个非常大的资本基础,他们也有很强的运营收益等,因为这是一个管理问题,为他们.
那么,这就是,呃,我的意思是,这正是很多分析家说,在长远来说,因为人们往往赌注押在银行,以便利用他们呃...真的要坐就coattails的繁荣和ecomomic作为代理向ecomomic增长,在该国.呃… …他们是一个很好的投注额至少为的是什么了很多prople倾向于认为,也因为银行本身已能清理他们的书籍,并在过去数年,不良贷款问题已开始消退,很多,那是因为政府一直投入这么多钱到这些银行,因此银行也上市,使的一个问题已下沉.呃...但有一点一些分析家关心的是估值.如果有,这些股票价格会得到一点点过于昂贵'的原因,他们担心贷款的增长,以及为利润率可能无法持续下去.