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英语翻译I.INTRODUCTIONWORLDWIDE transmission systems are undergo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 20:33:27
WORLDWIDE transmission systems are undergoing
continuous change stemming mainly from the strong
increase in power transfers between systems,opening of the
market for delivery of cheaper energy to customers,and economic
and ecological constraints which delay the building
of new transmission facilities.Since the construction of new
transmission lines cannot keep pace with the growing power
plant capacity and energy demand,operators are looking at
ways to utilize the existing power lines more efficiently,operating
the grid in ways not originally envisioned.The need
for more efficient power systems management,and the fast
development of power electronics based on new and powerful
semiconductor devices,have given rise to innovative technologies,
such as voltage source converters (VSC)-based FACTS
controllers [1].
Among the VSC-based controllers commissioned and installed
in several transmission systems around the world,
the VSC-HVDC system,also called HVDC-Light® or
HVDC-Plus®,is a recent technology which has demonstrated
to be successful in enhancing the power system’s controllability
[2].In contrast to traditional HVDC transmission,which
uses phase-commutated converters,HVDC links using voltage
source converters can not only control active power flow but
also provide an independent voltage regulation to the connected
ac system because the surplus or deficit in reactive power can
be accommodated by the VSC.The first project at Näs Head
on the Southern tip of Gotland started operation in November
1999.This has been followed by several VSC-HVDC projects
around the world.Examples of such installations can be found
in Sweden,Australia,the U.S.,México,and Norway [2].
英语翻译I.INTRODUCTIONWORLDWIDE transmission systems are undergo
全球的电力传输系统都在发生着变化,主要是由于网络之间的电力输送量的增加,以及廉价能源市场的开放,经济和生态条件的约束使得新的输电设施的建设滞后,由于新的输电线路的建设不能和发电量的增加和能源的需求同步发展,运营商正在寻求按非传统的方式操作来提高现有电网输送能力,大功率半导体电子器件的快速发展使得输电网络技术上有了很大提高,如;网络电力转换系统(VSC)的FACTS控制器等都使输电网络管理水平有了很大提高,在全球输一些输电网络中已投入使用的控制器中VSC-HVDC 系统也叫HVDC-Light(注册商标)或HVDC-Plus(注册商标)在提高输电网络控制能力方面与传统的HVDC相比显示出是一项成功的新技术,它采用的是相位平衡变流方式,不仅能够控制运行中的电网的流量,也能根据交流输电系统电力的余,缺进行自动调节,第一个采用该系统的是在Gotland南端的Nas Head,1999年11月开始运营,随后在世界各地有几项输电工程采用VSC-HVDC技术,有瑞典,澳大利亚,美国,墨西哥,挪威.