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英语翻译论我国民事简易程序的构建摘 要我国先后颁行过两部民事诉讼法典,即1982 年颁布的民事诉讼法(试行) 和1991

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 22:28:21
摘 要
我国先后颁行过两部民事诉讼法典,即1982 年颁布的民事诉讼法(试行) 和1991年修订后的新民事诉讼法,这两部民事诉讼法典都以专章规定了简易程序.在审判实践中,民诉简易程序以其灵活性、便捷性受到司法界广泛支持,对于及时处理民事纠纷发挥了重大作用.但随着社会经济的发展,简易程序局限性凸显,简易程序适用范围模糊不清,没有专门的简易程序审判机构,简易程序审判方式不简化.这些问题让简易程序的适用产生大量问题从而直接影响法院审判质量.因此,作者在借鉴西方简易程序立法例的基础上提出重构我国民事简易程序,具体而言有设立专门机构和人员、明确案件适用范围、简化审判程序等方面.
英语翻译论我国民事简易程序的构建摘 要我国先后颁行过两部民事诉讼法典,即1982 年颁布的民事诉讼法(试行) 和1991
On the summary of China's Civil Construction
China has introduced a two Code of Civil Procedure, that is, in 1982 promulgated the Civil Procedure Law (draft) and the 1991 amendments to the new Code of Civil Procedure, the Code of Civil Procedure are two special chapter to the provisions of the Summary. The practice of the trial, the appeal summary of its flexibility, ease of the judiciary by the broad support for the timely processing of civil disputes played a major role. However, with the social and economic development, summary highlights limitations, the summary application of the ambiguity, no special summary trials, summary trials do not simplify the way. These problems apply to the Summary of the large number of issues which have a direct impact on the quality of the trial court. Therefore, the authors draw on in the West summary of the legislation based on the Reconstruction of China's civil summary, in particular with the establishment of specialized agencies and personnel, a clear case of application of the simplified trial procedure, and so on.
Civil summary; specialized agencies; scope of application; simplify procedures