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英语翻译“A successful piece of work isn’t obivious,” agrees Jacq

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 12:28:16
“A successful piece of work isn’t obivious,” agrees Jacques Garcia,“because when it’s completed,it appears inevitable.If the proportions are correct,they combine seamlessly with the overall architecture and don’t attract attention.People will notice a couple of lampshades or damask sofa that’s all.For example,some people will focus on the curtains and exclain,“That’s so Garcia!” And yet,there’s nothing special about the curtains ,they’re completely banal.The real ‘Garcia’ touch isn’t the decoration,but the space surrounding it ——the thing nobady notices!”
英语翻译“A successful piece of work isn’t obivious,” agrees Jacq
“一项成功的工作是不显眼的,”Jacques Garcia同意道,“因为当这项工作完成的时候,它显得是那么的理所当然.如果各个比例都是那么的均衡,他们结合得天衣无缝,就不会引起注意.人们会注意的是一系列的灯罩或者沙发,那就是全部了.例如,有些人会把注意力放在窗帘或者(exclain这个词没见过~是不是打错了?)然后说“这真是太Garcia(个人认为是棒的意思)了!”然而,窗帘根本就没有一点特别的地方,它们完全是很普通的.真正令人觉得Garcia的地方不是装饰,而是它的背景(衬托)——那些从来没有人注意的东西!”