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罗曼罗兰 英文简介(80字)

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罗曼罗兰 英文简介(80字)
罗曼罗兰 英文简介(80字)
Rolland was born in Clamecy, Nièvre to a family of notaries; he had both peasants and wealthy townspeople in his lineage. Writing introspectively in his Voyage intérieur (1942), he sees himself as a representative of an "antique species". He would cast these ancestors in Colas Breugnon (1919).
Accepted to the École normale supérieure in 1886, he first studied philosophy, but his independence of spirit led him to abandon that so as not to submit to the dominant ideology. He received his degree in history in 1889 and spent two years in Rome, where his encounter with Malwida von Meysenburg–who had been a friend of Nietzsche and of Wagner–and his discovery of Italian masterpieces were decisive for the development of his thought. When he returned to France in 1895, he received his doctoral degree with his thesis The origins of modern lyric theatre and his doctoral dissertation, A History of Opera in Europe before Lully and Scarlatti.
His first book was published in 1902, when he was 36 years old. Through his advocacy for a 'people's theatre', he made a significant contribution towards the democratization of the theatre. As a humanist, he embraced the work of the philosophers of India ("Conversations with Rabindranath Tagore", and Mohandas Gandhi). Rolland was strongly influenced by the Vedanta philosophy of India, primarily through the works of Swami Vivekananda.
Rolland出生在Clamecy, Nièvre对公证员家庭; 他有农民和富裕的市民在他的后裔。 写内省在他的远航intérieur (1942),他看见自己作为“古色古香的种类的”代表。 他在Colas Breugnon会扮演这些祖先(1919)。
接受对École normale supérieure, 1886年他首先学习了哲学,但他的精神的独立带领他摒弃那至于不递交给统治思想体系。 1889年他在历史上在罗马接受了他的程度并且度过了二年,他的遭遇与Malwida冯Meysenburg是Nietzsche朋友和Wagner和他的发现意大利杰作为他的想法的发展是果断。 1895年当他回到了法国,他在Lully之前在欧洲接受了他的博士学位以他的论文现代抒情歌剧院和他的博士论文的起源,歌剧的历史和Scarlatti。
当他是36年, 1902年他的第一本书被出版了。 通过他的拥护为‘人的剧院’,他做了一个重大摊缴往剧院的民主化。 作为人道主义者,他接受了印度(“交谈与Rabindranath Tagore”和Mohandas Gandhi)的哲学家的工作。 Rolland被印度的Vedanta哲学强烈影响,主要通过偶像Vivekananda工作。