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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 16:41:53
In 1606,Holland East India Company's ships and Spain's navigators arrived at the Australian respective waters.in 1642,the Dutch sailor Ebel Tass has drawn up the Tass Ma Niya partial seacoast sailing chart gracefully.English William Dampier in 1688 and in 1699 successively two times in West coast debarkation.in 1770,Royal Navy's Captain James Cook rode “the number to carry on the scientific expedition navigation diligently” to South Pacific Ocean,planned that the plan once was called “new Holland” the east coast chart,and announced this place for Britain's land.after the American Revolution,Britain needs to establish the new criminal to exile replaces it in North Atlantic Ocean's colony.Therefore,natural scientist Knight Joseph Banks and Captain Cook travels together,in 1768---1771 has drawn up east on the spot Australia the coast chart,urges this big south side mainland to serve as to place criminal's colony.the 1788 year,the first fleet which is composed of 11 ships arrives at the Jackson port,is also today's Sydney port.These ships altogether carry 1500 people,half of are the criminals.On January 26,Governor Philip lands in Sydney.Now this day is decided as the Australian National Day.after the early difficult years,the criminal exiles develops prosperous lively cities gradually,the people start to seek for the new active place,in Tass Ma Niya (at that time was called Fan successively gate land) and nearby today's Brisbane has established the settlement.The seekers have also discovered the traversing blue mountains way,therefore develops very quickly from Sydney to the west.Then seized and the speculator catches up with the draft animal to go to the remote place in abundance,opened the new settlement.
Captain concurrently plotter Mathew Flinders did has surrounded the Australian mainland the navigation,and has drawn up the majority of coastlines,he in 1814 suggested that was called “Australia” this mainland.Afterward,the seekers start to this big unknown land to carry on the exploration,this work the incessancy has been carrying on in the entire the 19th century's majority of time.The dispersion settlement is called one after another in today Melbourne,Arab League Redd and Perth's place establishes.They with Sydney,Hobart,Brisbane's settlement same place,transfer become Australian six states the capitals.in 1840,Britain stopped providing the criminal to new south Wales,but transported criminal's activity to the west Australia to continue to 1868.1901 year on January 1,original six colony composition federation,namely Commonwealth of Australia.Britain's crowned heads formally were still Australia's crowned heads,but Australia is an independent democratic country.
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