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英语翻译The Way Americans GreetAmericans often greet other simpl

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 16:53:14
The Way Americans Greet
Americans often greet other simply with “hello”or”hi”.They believe such an informal greeting often implies a close and friendly relationship .Similarly,Americans do not have a formal “farewell”.They will just wave “good-bye”to the whole group.Or perhaps,they will simply say “Bye”,“So long”or”Speaking of time,I’ve got to run”and then leave.To Americans,a friendly and informal relationship is the most important thing.
American introductions are usually rather simple .Yet ,a proper introduction will leave a good first impression upon others.In the United States,most people don’t like using Mr.,Mrs.or Miss in introductions.They find these terms too formal.They prefer first names to formal titles in most cases.For example,a gentleman may say,”Gland to meet you .i’m Paul Miller,but call me Paul.”Sometimes a woman you meet for the first time may say ,”Don’t call me Mrs.Smith.Just call me Sally.”So when your American friends do not use your last name or titles,don’t feel that they have been impolite.They only want to show friendliness.
When you first get to know an American ,he may ask you ,”Where do you work?”,”Are you married ”or “Do you have children?”Such questions may be too personal to Europeans,but Americans do sometimes ask such questions.They would like to get answers to these questions.In this way they can get better acquainted with you and have a topic for beginning a friendly conversation with you.
A little about me
Hello,I’m Mike Adams.I’m an English teacher .Do you want to know something about me?
I was born in England .Then my family moved to America when I was 10.I’m tall,and I have a gentle face.My hair is dark brown but there is not too much hair left on the top of my head.I used to be a sportman with a strong body ,but now my muscles have become soft,and my stomach is getting a little bigger each year .I try to be kind to other people,but sometimes I’m very stubborn and never change my mind..I want to be an honest person .I’m very organized in both work and life.When I go on holiday,I carefully make a list of things to take ,and I pack my bags two or three days before I leave .I like to have everything under control,and I don’t want any last-minute panic.
Now I’m teaching in a university in China.I love this country and my students,and I also want ny students to love ne.So I work hard,and Ilike to look neat and tidy.I always wear a jacket and tie.Of course,I become a different person at home.I change into old but comfortable clothes.My work keeps me busy until quite late at night.But I usually find time to sit and talk with my wife and children.Even though I enjoy working very hard each day at the university,I still feel that my family is more important than anything else.
英语翻译The Way Americans GreetAmericans often greet other simpl
美国人常常问候“你好”与其他简单或“嗨”他们相信这样一个非正式的祝福往往意味着.Similarly密切友好关系,美国人没有一个正式的"再见" .他们只会波“再见”,整个集团或者,他们会毫不犹豫地说“再见”、“再见”或“说话的时候,我得赶紧走了”,然后离开.对于美国人来说,一个友好、非正式的关系是最重要的.